将丙烯酰化脯氨酸(acrylamide proline,AA—Pro)通过原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP)成功地固定到介孔二氧化硅上,构筑了一种新型色谱材料,并应用于糖肽的高效分离与富集。通过一系列测试方法证明丙烯酰化脯氨酸成功接枝在硅球上。同时,在糖肽分离富集测试中,该材料表现出良好的效果,从Fetuin酶解液中共获得15条糖肽,与富集前相比,检测到糖肽的个数增多,且信号强度增强。实验证明丙烯酰化脯氨酸修饰介孔二氧化硅可用于糖肽的分离富集中,同时为开发糖肽富集材料提供了一个新途径。
Acrylamide proline (AA-Pro) was graft onto the surface of the mesoporous silica microspheres through ATRP to obtain a new type of the chromatography materials for the efficient enrichment of glycopeptide. We utilized a variety of characterization techniques to confirm that the AA-Pro was successfully grafted onto the surface of SiOz. The experimental results obtained from mass spectra indicated that the AA-Pro modified silica gels (Poly-Pro@SiO2) could well enrich glycopeptide. In the Fetuin digest, just 1 glycopeptide was found by amino modified silica gels, 15 glycopeptides were found by Poly-Pro@SiOe. The results indicated that glycopeptides could be selectively enriched by Poly-Pro@ SiO2, This might provide much enlightenment to develop novel materials used for the separation and enrichment of saccharide/glycopeptides in the future.