Fluorine -doped rare earth polishing abrasive has been prepared from carbonate lanthanum cerium as raw ma- terial through fluoridation and calcination method. The phase structure and particle property of the polishing abrasive have been characterized employing a combination of techniques including X - ray diffraction ( XRD), TGA - DTA, SEM, laser scattering particle size distribution analysis (LSPSDA) and specific surface area (SSA). The results indicated that the calci- nation of carbonate lanthanum cerium involves in three important processes: dehydration, carbonate decomposition and oxyflu- oride formation. The different properties of the calcination products between medium (650 ℃ ) and high ( 1000 ℃ ) tempera- ture are mainly reflected in the oxyfluoride formation, particle morphology and aggregation, which can be confirmed by the re- suits of XRD and LSPSDA analysis. The particles aggregation increased obviously with the increase of the calcination tempera- ture. Especially, there is a dramatic increase of aggregation at 1040 ℃. Compared with the dispersive particles, aggregated particles possess lower crystallinity because more lanthanum had been doped. The proportion of oxyfluoride could be optimized by increasing the calcination temperature and the particle dispersion, which would improve the polishing effects. Therefore, a basic method of two - step calcination was employed to prepare high performance abrasives. It is found that the prepared abra- sives were well balanced for both the removal rate and the surface roughness.