The large-capacity high/extra-high voltage circuit breaker of 110 kV and above level are constructed with multiple interrupters in series and a FCVIM(Fiber-Controlled Vacuum Interrupter Module) is designed. The module,working at high potential,applies the vacuum interrupter of 40.5 kV level as its basic component and drives the permanent magnetic actuator via controller and power electronic device to manipulate the breaker. It receives the operating command from the controller at low potential via optical fiber and sends back the real-time information and operating time. The power is taken from bus via a specially designed CT coil and stored in battery and its high and low potential parts are isolated by the optical fiber. Combined with the phase-controlled switching technology,the large-capacity high-voltage intelligent vacuum breaker of 72.5 kV and above can be constructed with multiple FCVIMs interconnected in serial and parallel. Experimental tests show its excellent electrical and mechanical specifications.