渗滤液是生活垃圾处理过程的必然产物,经过近15年的研究,其产生机理和处理方法获得了一定进展,但随着《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准GB16889—2008》标准的实施,现有处理技术出水大都不能达标,特别是老龄渗滤液或经一定处理后的渗滤液尾水,其处理极限COD大约在300 m.gL-1以上.渗滤液难降解物质的表征可能是解决渗滤液处理问题瓶颈的一个基本点.本文结合课题组前期研究以及国内外最新研究进展,从分子量分布、腐殖质含量及分布、元素组分以及官能团形式等方面对渗滤液组分、形态进行了较为系统的论述,认为渗滤液中难处理物质主要由一些中等分子量的腐殖质物质、高浓度阴离子以及不同结合态的重金属组成,必须全方位针对这三种组分,有所侧重地开展渗滤液工艺研发,才能满足渗滤液达标处理目的.
Landfill leachate is one of the important byproducts for landfill management,and many researchers focus on the development of leachate treatment process and leachate characteristics in the past 15 years.However,the effluents from current leachate treatment process could not meet the requirements of the current Standard of GB16889—2008.COD in leachate effluents is about 300 mg·L-1,and it can be removed further in a cost-effective way using the traditional treatment process.Characterization of leachate is a prerequisite for the development of a cost-effective way.In this paper,landfill leachate characteristics were reviewed,and it was found that DOM,anions and heavy metals are the three main target components as refractory matters in leachate treatment process.