In an ice wind tunnel experiment, in order to simulate the experimental environment more ac- curately, the diameter of droplets jetted from the nozzle need to be measured accurately accordingly. A set of laser device and drop diameter calculation program based on Mie-scattering theory were developed. In the en- vironment of droplet flow field, the laser beam became scattered, experiments were repeated to obtain multiple moments of the scattering intensity distribution figures in interval of. The calculation program developed was applied to calculate the scatter intensity distribution of the figures. The mean diameters of water droplets in the same section but at different time were obtained. The Newton interpolation method was applied to interpose the data of multiple sets of the mean droplet diameters and based on the curves obtained by fitting the diameter da- ta of the cross at different time, the average value of the integration which was considered to be the mean drop- let diameter would be obtained. A humidifier was used to investigate the feasibility of the code. Good agree- ment between the prediction and the data provided by the product description show that the measurement de- vice and calculation program is feasible.