本文报道两栖纲蛙科一新种,新种具林蛙属(Rana)特征,与昭觉林蛙种组(费梁,1999)相近,但与该组成员又有明显区别,被命名为寒露林蛙Rana hanluica sp.nov.。新种有系列特征与峨眉林蛙(R.omeimonts)、昭觉林蛙(R.chaochiaoensis)相似,但又明显不同于后者,如:1)无雄性线;2)蝌蚪唇齿式为Ⅰ:3+3/1+1:Ⅲ;3)股部背侧黑褐色横斑窄,通常整齐、数目较多;4)繁殖季节在农历寒露节前后。这些特征可以与峨眉林蛙、昭觉林蛙准确区别。新种标本采自湖南省双牌县阳明山,模式标本保存在湖南师范大学动物标本馆及中国科学院成都生物研究所。
This paper describes a new species of the genus Rana from Hunan, China. This new species has characteristics typical of the Rana chaochiaoensis group (Fei, 1999) of the genus Rana ; however, it also displays some characteristics that differ from those of other species of this group. As a result of continuous observations made in the field and in the laboratory since the frog was first collected in 2003, the authors have recorded the characteristics of eggs, tadpoles and adults. After consulting the relevant literature, comparing the morphological features, ecological habits and 12S rRNA sequence of the new frog with similar species of the genus Rana, our results indicate that the frog from Yangmingshan is distinct from other species of its group and should be recognised as a new species, Rana hanluica. Rana hanluica Shen, Jiang et Yang. sp. nov. (Table 1 ) Holotype HNUL 03110509. An adult male (Fig. 1 ), collected by LUO Shan-Gen on November 5, 2003 in Yangmingshan Mountains of Hunan Province, China at the altitude of 860 m. Allotype HNUL 05100907.An adult female, collected by LUO Shan-Gen and SHEN You-Hui on October 9, 2005, at the same locality and altitude as that of the holotype. Paratype 16♂♂ , 8♀♀ . Collected at the same locality and same collecting time as the holotype at the altitude of 840 m to 1 300 m. Three egg clutches were collected on October 10, 2005.Tadpoles were collected separately on April 24, 2004, April 25, 2005 and April 27, 2006, respectively at the same locality by the same collectors as the allotype specimens. The type specimens (Holotype, Allotype and most Paratype) are deposited in the College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University. Only two paratype specimens (HNUL 05100911 ♂ and HNUL 05100912 ♀ ) are deposited in the Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Diagnosis The new species has a series of traits similar to Rana omeimonts and Rana chaochiaoensis, such as larger body size, longer legs, thin straight dorsolateral foM, an