During November 2007 ~ March 2008,soil respiration was measured by a closed dynamic chamber system in four Picea asperata plantations and its primary forest in the east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. The heterotrophic and autotrophic components of soil respiration in winter were partitioned by entrenchment. The temperature and moisture in soil of 5 cm deep were observed by geothermometer and TDR system. The results showed that soil temperature had significant positive exponential correlation with soil respiration rate, but the correlation between soil water content and soil respiration rate at that depth was not significant. The temperature coefficients (Q10) was between 3.180 3-6.546 9, the order of tbrests by Q10 was as follows: 35 a P. asperata plantation〉47 a plantation〉65 a plantation〉22 a plantation〉primary forest. The carbon fluxes of soil total respiration in winter (01-11-07 - 31-03-08) in 22 a, 35 a, 47 a, 65 a plantations and primary forest were 200.16, 196.23, 166.71,228.47 and 261.75 g (C) m-2, respectively. As the age of the plantations increasing from 22 a to 47 a, the carbon fluxes of soil respiration in winter decreased, but from 47 a to 65 a, the fluxs increased. A turning point in the changing trend for these fluxes occured near the 47 a plantation. The proportions of heterotrophic and autotrophic components of soil respiration in different months had significant difference in winter. The proportions of heterotrophic components of soil respiration had significant negative correlation with soil temperature. The carbon fluxes of soil heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration in winter (01-11-07 - 31-03-08) in 22 a, 35 a, 47 a, 65 a plantations and primary forest were 133.44, 134.04, 115.97, 166.05, 199.07 g (C) m-2 and 66.71, 62.20, 50.73, 62.43, 62.68 g (C) m-2, respectively. Fig 7, Tab 3, Ref34