In this paper, 0.85 Pb (Mgl/3 Nb2/3)O3=0. 15PbTiO3 ferroelectric powders and ceramics were prepared by the sol-gel method using soluble inorganic salts and oxide as staring materials, citric acid and EDTA as complex chalet agent, ethylene glycol as solvent. XRD and SEM measurement were used to investigate the phase structure and microstrueture of PMN-PT. The influence of sintering tem- perature on microstructure, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of the ceramics was also studied. The results showed that the proper sintering temperature of the ceramics papered by sol-gel method was 1 100℃ ,which was much lower than those of via ordinary sintering technique. In addition, the ceramics sintered at 1 100 ℃ possessed good properties:d33=252 pC/N,Pr=17.8 μC/cm2.