针对永磁同步电机( PMSM)绕组相电流与转速存在强耦合的特性,基于 PMSM精确的数学模型,采用反馈线性化的方法设计了一非线性控制器。该设计方法不但实现了电机系统的完全解耦,而且有效抑制了参数摄动、负载扰动等不确定因素对系统性能的影响。仿真结果表明,采用反馈线性化方法设计的 PMSM 控制系统具有很好的速度跟踪效果,可以获得良好的稳态精度与动态性能。
In view of the complex coupling of winding phase current and speed, this paper applies the feedback linearization theory to design a nonlinear controller which based on the mathematical model of PMSM .The design method not only realized de-coupling of the model but also restrained the impact to the system performance .Simulation results in Matlab shows that the system has good speed tracking, steady state accuracy and dynamic performance.