A novel type of large diameter, pulsed Penning discharge device was designed and constructed to generate anodic plasma for high current pulsed electron beam source. In the lab-built device, a parallel magnetic field, with a maxi-mum intensity of 0.2 T, was generated by a Helmholtz coil and powered by the charging voltage of a pulse capacitor. The power supply of Penning anode provides an adjustable voltage, ranging up to 5,000 V, through a 20 gF pulse capacitor and a 40 Ω shunt resistor.Tested at a pressure in the range of 7.0 × 10^-3 Pa - 6.0 × 10^-2 Pa, three distinctive stages of Penning discharge were observed, including the activation, high current discharge, and extinction stages. The high current discharge was found to depend significantly on the pressure, magnetic field intensity, anode voltage, and a proper activa-tion time. Besides, it was found that as the pressure and magnetic field intensity increased, the anode threshold voltage and activation time decreased correspondingly. These observations were explained by the Paschen' s law with the impact of magnetic field.