文章提出了一种高效的图像局部特征匹配算法。在特征描述子构建阶段,提出基于梯度的距离和方向直方图(gradient distance and orientation histogram,GDOH)算法,其特征向量维数仅是SIFT和GLOH描述子的一半,然而却具有与SIFT和GLOH相当的性能;在高维特征空间最近邻搜索阶段,提出基于子向量的索引结构(indexing sub-vectors,ISV),ISV算法比BBF(Best Bin First)算法具有更高的搜索精度和更快的搜索速度。实验结果证明文中提出的图像局部特征匹配算法(GDOH+ISV)比目前广泛使用的Lowe的算法[12](SIFT+BBF)更加高效。
Aim.In our opinion,we can devise a local feature matching algorithm that is GDOH(gradient distance and orientation histogram) combined with ISV(indexing sub-vectors) and is more efficient than the widely-used algorithm that is SIFT(scale invariant feature transform) combined with BBF(best bin first) and is proposed by D.G.Lowe in Ref.12.Section 1 of the full paper explains the local feature descriptor that is the core of GDOH.Section 2 presents a procedure that consists of three steps: establishment of ISV structure,feature searching and feature matching.Section 3 presents the experimental results and their analysis.Fig.5 in subsection 3.1 compares the matching performance of GDOH descriptor with that of SIFT descriptor.Table 1 in subsubsection 3.2.1 compares the searching precision and searching time of ISV algorithm respectively with those of BBF algorithm.Fig.6 in subsection 3.3 compares the matching performance of GDOH+ISV algorithm with that of SIFT+BBF algorithm.The experimental results and their analysis show preliminarily that our GDOH+ISV algorithm is indeed more efficient than the SIFT+BBF algorithm proposed by D.G.Lowe.