Taking a look at the development of the world modernization, we easily find out that the Western European countries launched and developed their modernization with the founding of national countries and that national countries became the carriers of modernization. However, most of developing countries especially like Afghan founded national countries due to modernization reform and development. The reform of the king of Lachman directly started the evolution of modernization in the country, mean-while building the original form of Afghanistan national country. Henceforth,the form of national country bases the development of modernization and the latter constantly reshapes the former. Nowadays, the con-struction and modernization of Afghan national country still face various difficulties,march hard. The diffi-culties reflect not only in the modernization but also in the construction of national country. The Afghan national country and the economic modernization depend on each other as the two varieties. Only by solving the inner constructive conflicts could Afghan obtain the breakthrough on the road of reconstruction.