The state -society relationship in Afghanistan can be described as "strong society and weak state" . Tribal society is loose, but very strong, and then the state is weak the tribal society to effectively control the tribal society. Therefore, how to integrate is a crucial problem for political development in Afghanistan. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the Musahiban Dynasty had worked out a unique model of governance on tribal society. Afghanistan obtained huge economic and military aid from the US and Soviet Union by availing itself of international situation then. On the one hand, Afghan government formed an alliance with the tribal society by maintaining its autonomy, subsidies, tax exemption and other tribal traditional privilege. Meanwhile, the bond between tribal society and religious classes was cut off, which made the tribal society lose the ability to mobilize. On the other hand, Afghan government gradually promoted the change of tribal society, and strengthened the state capacity through foreign aid. Although this policy had maintained the stability of tribal society for half a century, it also had serious flaws. Afghanistan did not resolve the key question of how to integrate tribal society, but only shelved this question. It eventually triggered the Afghan problem.