In the 21st century, with the continued differentiation and re-structuring of the world geopolitical landscape, Indochina's geopolitical po-sition, which had long been in the "fringe", has become increasingly promi-nent. Extraterritorial powers are competing for geopolitical interests in thisregion. What's more, Indochina is a strategic fulcrum in the "21st CenturyMaritime Silk Road" initiative advocated by China, the development of bilater-al relations between China and the five countries are of great importance.Therefore, using event data analysis, this article quantitatively measured thebilateral relations between China and five Indochina countries in the periodfrom 2001 to June 2015, and our findings are as follows: 1) Bilateral rela-tions between China and the five countries showing an overall downward trendin varying degrees; 2) The appearance of peak value of bilateral relations isdriven by the same type of events; the worsening of China-Myanmar relationsoccurred at the same time with the deteriorating of China-Vietnam relations;3) The evolution of bilateral relations between China and the five countries isa mixed result of complicated forces, including the intervention of extrater-ritorial powers, the "balance-of-diplomacy" national interests of these fivecountries, the promoting of regional and sub-regional cooperation, border se-curity and stability and other mechanisms. Based on the above analysis, weproposed some suggestions to the Chinese diplomacy related to the Indochinacountries: 1) Make efforts to enhance political mutual trust level with eachcountry; 2) properly handle South China Sea territorial disputes in China andVietnam; 3) actively urge the parties to maintain internal security and sta-bility; 4) using the "the Belt and Road" vision, to inhance the economic andcultural cooperation between China and Indochina countires.