"Made in China2025"strategy is both opportunity and challenge for manufacturing of all provinces.How to graspthe opportunity and overcome the challenge of Hunan manufacturing is an urgent research subject.Accordingly,we apply themeans of SWOT to point out the advantages,disadvantages,opportunities and threats of promoting the"Made in China2025"inHunan Province.While gaining certain kind of advantages after having been engaged in high-end manufacturing all along,Hunan isstill facing some problems compared to coastal areas,such as the absence of innovation ability,the shortage of financial resourcesand human resources.In view of the above problem,Hunan manufacturing should take differentiation strategy,focusing ondeveloping high-end manufacturing as well as undertaking coastal industrial transfer;in resource allocation,competition andcooperation are co-existing.In the management mechanism,it is important to use the role of the market to the allocation ofresources,and to play well the leading role of policy.