There frequently occur roof subsidence, roof warping, and roof breaking away in Caves excavated in medium-thin bedded sandstones, but roof sheet-like peeling is rarely seen. However, it is in Huashan fiddle grottos in Tunsi, Anhui Province opening to the public that has often occurred a serious roof sheet-like peeling. These caves were excavated long time ago in sandstone and argillaceous sandstone. The sandstones contain a lot of mica oriented parallel to bedding and have a lower tensile strength, so the cave roof consisting of them is easily to be deformed and damagd. In addition, more differences in temperature and humidity before and after opening could be also a reason to roof damage. The paper focuses on analyzing physical properties of roof-peeled material in cave No. 35 of Huashan fiddle grottos and think that the roof sheet-like peeling should mainly be controlled by a structural anisotropy due to mineral orienting.