针对传统载波跟踪环路对弱信号跟踪误差较大的问题,提出了线性卡尔曼滤波器载波跟踪算法,算法以载波相位差作为状态量,以鉴相器的输出作为观测量,将原增益矩阵与跟踪项相加作为线性卡尔曼滤波的增益矩阵。仿真实验结果表明,在信噪比为-30 d B时,快速收敛算法仍能保持对信号的跟踪,而传统算法已经失锁,相对于传统载波跟踪算法,快速收敛的卡尔曼载波跟踪算法能够有效提高跟踪的精度,并且收敛速度较快。
Since traditional carrier tracking loop has serious tracking error in the environment of weak signals, the Kalman filter tracking algorithm was proposed, in which carrier error is considered as statement and the phase detector is used as t. The filter gain is the add of former gain and the tracking term. The simulation results show that when SNR is - 30 dB, the faster tracking algorithm can keep tracking the signals, while the traditional carrier tracking loop has lost the signals. The Kalman filter tracking algorithm can improve the performance of the carrier tracking loop compared with traditional algorithm, meanwhile, the convergence rate can be improved.