The light field state |ψ(5)(fj)〉q,a five states superposition multimode quantum functional superposition,that is formed by linearly superposing the multi-mode vacuum state |{0j}〉q and four generalized multimode functional coherent states |{f(m)j(x,y,z)}〉q(m=1,2,3,4) and the properties of the GN unequal-power higher-power Nj-power Y-S effects is further studied generally.The results indicate that ① the state |ψ(5)(fj)〉q is a general multimode nonclassical light field of five functional coherent states superposition,when the state |ψ(5)(fj)〉q is a unequal intensity quasi-symmetrical superposition,while some certain conditions are satisfied,the generalized electric field components of the state |ψ(5)(fj)〉q can display any unequal-power GN Nj-power amplitude squeezing effect.② the any quasi-symmetrical spatial distribution of the classical intensity and the classical amplitude,and the spatial arbitrary distribution characterization of the classical amplitude and the classical initial phase of light field in |ψ(5)(fj)〉q would have a direct influence upon the squeezing results and squeezing degree of the unequal-power amplitude squeezing effects presented by the state |ψ(5)(fj)〉q.