The origin and evolution of life is the most important and disputable scientific question. Important information a- bout pre-life and life organic compounds in early Earth history could be deduced through the study on the microbial com- munities in serpentinized uhramafie rocks. This paper has comprehensively reviewed the questions and arguments on evi- dences for exploring origin and evolution of ancient life of Mars and sedimentary rocks on earth, and the related analytical methods and technological applications,discussed basic theories on the generation of molecular hydrogen through the ser- pentinization of ultramafic rocks and the generation of alkane through the Fischer-Tropsch Type polymerization of the mo- lecular hydrogen and their relationship to the life's origin and evolution, and briefly discribed the compositions and distri- bution patterns of carbon and hydrogen isotopes of alkane for identifying source of the organic matters in the serpentinized uhramafic rocks, as well as the isotopic and molecular biological characteristics of the organic matters. The abiogenic hy- drocarbons and other organic compounds formed through the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks could provide necessary energy and raw materials for supporting chemosynthetic microbial communities, which probably was the most important hy- dration reaction for the origin and early evolution of life. Serpentinization generally occurs in slow expanding mid-ocean rid- ges and continental ophiolites tectonic environment, etc. The overprint of biological and abiological processes will create a big challenge to identify the biogenic organic materials in serpentinite-hosted ecosystem.