Starch nanocrystals-g-polycaprolactone with controllable molecular weight of the grafting chain was prepared by grafting reaction of starch nanocrystals and isoeyanate group-ended prepolymer, which was prepared by esterifieation of isocyanate and hydroxyl-terminated polycaprolactone. Starch nanocrystals-g-polycaprolactone were characterized by FTIR and )H NMR, the results showed that a small amount of polyeaprolactone was grafted on the surface of starch nanoerystals. X-ray diffraction showed that the graft of a small amount of polycaprolactone can hardly change the crystalline type and degree of crystallinity of starch nanocrystals. The melting temperature of starch nanocrystals-g-polyeaprolactone was increased from around 115℃ to around 122℃. Wettability experiments showed no wetting between starch nanocrystals-g-polyeaprolaetone and water, and it has a hydrophobic surface. This shows that polyeaprolaetone can be grafted onto surface of starch nanocrystals and the graft can improve the hydrophobie properties of starch nanoerystals and interface compatibility with the polyester matrix. Starch nanoerystals-g- potycaprolaetone can be used for the biodegradable polyester polymer, such as polylactie acid (PLA), polyeaprolaetone (PCL), poly (butylene sueeinate) (PBS), etc., to improve its mechanical properties and biodegradation properties.