The two-month old Ostryopsis davidiana seedlings was inoculated with 5 different ectomycorrhizal fungus(EMF) (6 strains). The infection rate of every treatment is more than 40.8 % after 4 months cultivating. The results of measuring biomass, membrane permeability, activity of SOD, MDA, Chlorophyll, etc. indicated: Pisolithus tinctorius and Cenococcum geophilum increased their drought resistance and deferred the wilting time and the critical dead time by increasing their water potential, activity of SOD, root top ratio, reducing the MDA and lightening the damage level of membrane ; SuiUus greviUei and Suillus granulatus increased their drought resistance by increasing their proline, the activity of SOD and reducing the MDA; Paxillus involutus increased their drought resistance by manifold mechanisms that accelerating the growth, augmenting the root top ratio, increasing the proline and the activity of SOD, reducing the MDA and lightening the damage level of membrane.