A disturbance estimation-based nonlinear feedback control system for robots is presented, and its stability is demonstrated. On the basis of result, a novel active disturbance rejection controller (ARDC) is proposed, which avoids the burdensome online computation of robot inverse dynamics and implement the trajectory tracking of robots. The controller comprises two tracking differentiators (TDs) , one is used to arrange the transient process of system, and the other is used to estimate velocity and acceleration. TD can attenuate measurement noise due to its filtering characteristic. "Extended state", comprising the control input of controlled object and the feedback of estimated acceleration, is used to detect the real time effects of system model and the external disturbances, and then dynamically compensate their real-time effects. The proposed ARDC has the same good adaptability and expected robustness as previous ADRC, and it also has the characteristic of less parameters adjustment. Numerical results show that the control system has less overshoot, rapid response, and robustness.