用相对论平均场理论和M IT口袋模型研究了δ介子对热前中子星内强子-夸克相变的影响.结果表明,加入δ介子后,(1)强子-夸克相变开始的临界密度提前;(2)混合相低密度处的夸克含量变多;(3)中微子丰度变少.δ介子对中微子丰度的影响只在密度适中的区域很明显,而在低密度和高密度区域都很小.温度升高会减弱δ介子作用的强度.口袋常数越大,δ介子作用越强.
In the framework of the relativistic mean field theory and the MIT bag model,the effects of the δ meson on thermal protoneutron star matter are studied.After the δ meson is included,the threshold density for the hadron-quark phase transition becomes lower,the abundance of quarks at low densities in the mixed phase increases and the abundance of neutrinos decrease.The effect of the δ meson on the abundance of neutrinos is obvious only in the mediate density range.The increase of the temperature suppresses the δ meson effects.The increase of the bag constant enhances the δ meson effects.