In this paper a thunderstorm in Luoyang on July 13, 2006, which locates in southeast warm flows at the edge of West Pacific subtropical high, was simulated and forecasted with the WRF (version 2.2) model. The results show that the WRF model can accurately describe the mesoscale convective systems forced by weak synoptic systems and capture the thunderstorm cells which can not be distinguished on conventional weather map. The output elements can identify the position of the thunderstorm. The inflexion point of the evolution curve of the four convection parameters--Convective Available Potential Energy, Lifting Index, Showalter Index and K index, which are derived from the model sound- ing, can give an indication for the occurrence time of the thunderstorm. Case study shows that WRF model has a fine predictability of thunderstorms under the condition of weakly forced systems ; so it is a feasible way to analyze and forecast the thunderstorms with WRF model.