利用龙岩市1960—2013年7个国家级气象站的逐日降水资料,采用Mann-Kendall趋势和突变检验法及Morlet小波功率谱分析方法,分析龙岩市降水的时空分布规律。结果表明,龙岩市年降水量呈微弱增加趋势,年际波动振幅较大。年降水量多年平均值为1 641 mm,最小值出现在1991年(1 139.9 mm),最大值则出现在1975年(2 286.9 mm),年降水时间序列存在显著的2-8 a的周期。降水主要集中在春季,春季降水量占全年降水量的38.2%左右,其次是夏季和秋季,冬季降水量最少,仅占全年降水量的11.5%。1—6月月平降水量呈现增长趋势,8—12月呈现递减趋势。北部和南部年降水量整体变化趋势基本一致,南部地区总体小于北部地区,只有极个别年份南部地区降水量大于北部地区。
Rainstorms are a major category of meteorological disaster,and thus research on their spatiotemporal distributions and trends is important in reducing or even preventing their adverse impacts.In this study,precipitation data gathered from meteorological observation stations over seven counties in Longyan during a 54-year period from 1960 to 2013 were used to study the spatial distribution characteristics of rainstorms.Further analysis was made by dividing the seven counties of Longyan into southern and northern counties.The main analytical methods used were the Mann-Kendall(M-K) method and Morlet wavelet power spectrum analysis[for the change or long-term trends of precipitation,and multi-scale analysis of the temporal(annual,seasonal,monthly) distribution of precipitation respectively].The results showed that the annual precipitation duration at seven meteorological observation stations had an increasing tendency during the 54-year time period,but this tendency was not statistically significant.An obvious change-point occurred around 1975,after which the annual precipitation increased by 101.2 mm.Moreover,based on the Morlet wavelet power spectrum analysis,the southern and northern counties had different significant timescale cycles,as well as variation in the strength of cycle over time.The precipitation amount at the seven observation stations was greatest in spring,accounting for around 38.2%of the annual precipitation,followed by summer and autumn.However,each of the four seasons demonstrated distinct changes,and change ranges,in different years.For example,spring precipitation changed significantly around 1999,according to analysis using the M-K test,decreasing by 7.1%after that year.Combined with the spatial distribution of rainfall duration,the precipitation over the northern counties was greater than that in the southern counties in spring and winter Jess than that over southern counties in autumn,and nearly the same in summer.At the same time,however,neither the northern counties or southern cou