以现阶段虚拟地理环境发展为背景,介绍了虚拟地理环境平台的整体建设,分析了三维可化系统在平台建设中所起的作用,针对虚拟地理环境的特点设计开发了三维可视化系统Virtual Global,并深入探讨了开发过程中数据组织、场景构建、数据调度、渲染策略等关键技术的实现。经验证,该系统能够符合地学分析可视化的要求,较好的完成地理环境的可视化表达。
Based on the development and platform construction of Virtual Geographic Environments (VGEs), a 3D visualization system named VirtualGlobal was developed. Data organization, data scheduling, scenario building, and related technologies used to develop VirtualGlobal were discussed. The experiments show that this system can meet the requirement of geo-science analysis visualization and make the expression of geographical environment much better.