The probability distribution of independent and identically distributed (i. i. d) random variables was estimated by random weighting method. The consistency of random weighting approximation on the distribution of n^1/2{Fn^-1(g)-F^-1(g)} was studied. Under the condition of random variables series being NA associated sample, sample mean's approximation problem was discussed. Negative associated sample between strongly stationary and independent classes was defined. The sample was divided into k classes and the weight 1/k was given to the k jackknifed virtual values Y; (i = 1 ,…, k) of Xn.Then the empirical distribution function can be obtained. The distribution of √n(Xn-μ) was simulated by the conditional distribution of √n(Yk^*-Xn), where independent sample Y1^*,…,Yk^* was sampled from empirical distribution function Fk^*. For the distribution of n1/2 {Fn^-1 (g) -F^-1 (g)}, the consistency of the random weighting approximation was proved.