To deepen understanding pore structure, wettability and flowing properties during waterflooding and oil- displacement efficiency in rock samples microscopic tests for waterflooding in sandstone formations have been con- ducted to observe features of oil flow in waterflooding of various types. In addition, CT scans have been pedbrmed for rock samples to deteimine parameters related to their pore structures, and to construct pore network model with identical pore structures in rock samples. With consideration to casting thin-section and scanning electron micro- scope (SEMI results, together with capillary pressure curves in quantitative analysis to determine differences in pore structures of sandstone formations, waterflooding processes under different wettability conditions can be simula- ted for pore network models in sandstone. Research results show pore structure is the most influential factor for flow features in waterflooding of sandstone; Generally speaking, higher pore homogeneity may lead to network-evenly distributed displacement attributes in sandstone. Otherwise, sandstone may present displacement features with branch configurations. Between, sandstone with displacement of finger configuration can be found; Oil-displace- ment effieiencies of model with moderate wettability are higher than those of water-wet models, whereas oil-dis- placement effieieneies of water-wet models are higher than those of oil-wet models. Relevant research results may provide valuable technical guidance for preparation of proper production and productivity enhancement programs.