记述云南省普洱市菜阳河自然保护区的勐腊蝗属1新种:郑氏勐腊蝗Menglacris zhengi Li et Xu,sp.nov.,新种近似于斑腿勐腊蝗Menglacris maculata Jiang et Zheng,1994,主要区别为:1)体形较小;2)颜面隆起全长具浅的纵沟;3)后足股节下膝侧片顶端锐角形;4)雌性触角中段1节长度为宽度的3.1倍;5)阳具基背片较弯,锚状突位于前突的顶部,阳具复合体色带表皮内突较短。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。
A new species of the genus Menglacris (Orthoptera, Catantopidae) from Yunnan Prov- ince, was described. The type specimen are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Shaanxi Normal Univ- eristy. Menglacris zhengi Li et Xu,sp. nov. (Fig. 1) The new species is allied to Menglacris maculata Jiang et Zheng, 1994, but differs in. 1)Body small; 2)Frontal ridge with low longitudinal sulcus in whole length; 3)Apex of lower kneelobes of hind femur acute angle; 4)Female,length of median segment of antennae about 3. i times its width; 5)Anc- ora located apex of anterior projection and apodemes short. Body length. {♂ 19. 0-20. 0 mm, ♀ 26. 5 ram; Pronotum length. {♂ 5. 0-5. 2 ram, ♀- 7. 5 mm; Length of tegmen.. {♂3.0-3.5 ram, -♀4. 5 ram; Length of hind femur. {♂13.0-13. 5 ram, ♀-17.0 mm; Holotype {♂, Paratypes 2 {♂♂, 1 5♀, Caiyanghe Nature Reserve (101° 27'-101° 15' E , 22° 30'- 22°38' N), Pu'er, Yunnan Province,2007-VII-28, collected by XU Sheng-quan. Etymology: In honor Prof. ZHENG Zhe-min on ocusts classification work contribution for China, named after the new species with his surname Zheng.