记述采自贵州东部和南部地区短翼蚱科狭顶蚱属Systolederus昆虫1新种,即贵州狭顶蚱Systolederus guizhouensis Deng et Zheng,sp.nov.。该新种近似于姑婆山狭顶蚱Systolederus guposhanensis Deng,Zheng et Wei,2007,主要区别:新种颜面隆起纵沟宽度与触角基节等宽; 前胸背板总长为超出后足股节顶端部分长的5倍; 后翅到达前胸背板后突的顶端; 雌性中足股节宽度与前翅等宽。模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。
One new species in the genus Systolederus Bolivar, Systolederus guizhouensis Deng et Zheng sp. nov. is described from eastern and southern in Guizhou, China. The type specimens are de- posited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an,China. Systolederus guizhouensis Deng et Zheng sp. nov. (Fig. 1) The new species is allied to Systolederus guposhanensis Deng, Zheng et Wei, 2007, but differs in.. 1)width of longitudinal furrow equal to width of first segment of antennae; 2) pronotum 5.0 times as long as portion surpassing apex of hind femur; 3)wings reaching apex of pronotum; 4) width of midfetour of female equal to width of tegmina. Length of body, ♂ 7.0-7. 5 ram, ♀8.0-8. 5 ram; length of pronotum: ~ 7. 5-8. 0 mm, ♀ 9.0- 9.5 mm;length of hind femur, ♂ 4. 5-5.0 mm, ♀5.0-5 . 5 ram. Holotype ,9-,Guizhou Ceheng (Rongdu),105.8°E, 24. 9°N, alt. 900 m, 2012-Ⅶ-21, collected by ZHANG Guang-hai. Paratypes: 2 ♂ 2 ♀, same data as holotype, collected by ZHANG Guang-hai and WU Zhao-rong; 19v ,Guizhou Shibing (Shanmuhe), 108. 1°E, 27. 1°N, alt. 950 m, 2012-09, collected by DENG Wei-an. Etymology:The new species name is from the type locality Guizhou, China.