捕食和巢寄生是影响栗斑腹鹀存活和繁殖成功的重要因素,面对不同风险,其行为对策可能不同.在内蒙古赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗敖伦花和内蒙古通辽市扎鲁特旗嘎亥图,通过摆放标本实验,探讨了栗斑腹鹀在捕食和寄生风险下的行为反应差异.结果表明:栗斑腹鹀对捕食者红隼(Falco tinnunculus)反应最强烈;其次为寄生者大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus);对中性对照山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis)反应强度最弱.说明栗斑腹鹀具有识别不同类型风险的能力,并能采取不同的行为对策应对不同风险.
Predation and brood parasitism can induce reproductive success of Jankowski's Bunting (Emberiza jankowskii). When faced with different risk, their behavioral strategies may be different. To investigate different behavior to predator and brood parasites, dummy experiment was conducted at Ar Horqin Banner in Chifeng City and Jarud Banner in Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia. Used Kestrel dummy(referred to predator), common cuckoo (referred to brood parasites), Oriental turtle dove (neutral control), and found that response intensity of Jankowski's Bunting declined from Kestrel through common cuckoo to Oriental turtle dove. The result show that Jankowski's Bunting can identify the type of dummy or risk and adopt adaptive behavioral strategies.