Aiming at the further evolution, and development of the collaborative innovation, system, the value network of collaborative innovation, system is gradually formed. The traditional value chain, from the perspective of the traditional single-enterprise value network has become increas-ingly difficult to meet the diversification, of the organizational structure of the Internet under the economic needs of the study. In. this paper, through the perspective of value chain, expansion., and the collaborative innovation, system is selected as the research object. Through the compari-son. and analysis of the cases to analyze two national-level collaborative innovation, centers, this paper studies the performance of the two centers in. the process of value creation, and value sharing, and sums up the similarities and differences between, the two in. the process of value network forma-tion.. On. the basis of clarifying the value creation, and value sharing, this paper discusses the formation, mechanism of the value network of collabo-rative innovation, system.