The objective of this study is to compare the casualty risk of pedestrians and bicyclists in ur-ban traffic through an analysis of real-world accident data in China. For this purpose, 438 cases were se-lected as samples from the accidents collected by in-depth investigation of vehicle accidents in China. A sta-tistic measurement of the fatality risk with respect to impact speed was carried out by logistic regression a-nalysis. Then, 21 pedestrian and 24 bicyclist accidents were further selected for reconstruction with MADYMO program. A comparative analysis was conducted on the basisi of the results from accident anal- ysis and computer reconstructions for the fatality risk and the head dynamic response of pedestrians and bi-cyclists. The results have indicated that the vehicle impact speed has a significant relationship with the fa-tality risk of both pedestrians and bicyclists and bicyclists suffered slightly lower fatality risk compared to pedestrians. Besides, the head impact conditions such as head impact speed and impact angle between pe-destrians and bicyclists reasonable speed limit f protection. are also obviously different. or urban traffic in China and These findings can contribute to generate strategies for bicyclist the setting of a more and pedestrian head protection.