In this paper, by analyzing the hailstorm side-lobe echo from Changde S-band Doppler weather radar from 2002 to 2005, morphological characteristics of side-lobe echoes are depicted with regard to reflectivity, radial velocity, velocity spectral width PPI map and vertical cross-section of reflectivity and radial velocity. Among 19 hailstorm clouds during seven severe convective events, the side-lobe echoes are observed in 10 hailstorms during six of them. The results show the followings. (1) The echo intensity of side-lobe is proportional to the volume of high reflectivity. (2) For the side-lobe echoes observed, the minimum reflectivity is 60 dBZ and 97.3% of them appear with reflectivity greater than 63 dBz. (3) Side-lobe echoes usually occur within the radar range of 50 ~ 100 km. (4) 96.1% of the side-lobe echoes occur within the height between 3 and 6 kin. (5) Severe hails occur within 0 ~ 42 minutes after the first side-lobe echo appears, indicating that recognition of side-lobe echoes can help the warning of severe hail.