The 639 cm profile T1 in Zaxicuo saline lake East shore, Middle Tibet, consists ostracod belonging to 6 genera and 2 species of stoneworts belonging to 1 genera. abundance and diversity of ostracod, 8 ostracod assemblages can be distinguished. of 11 species of According to the Environment and climate changes between about 18653 a BP and 13144 a BP was then discussed based on the ecological characteristics and assemblages of ostraeods as follow. 18653-17239 a BP, climate in the lake area was arid (cold), and the lake surface shrinked with a little salinity (probably 18%0); 17239-13920 a BP, the climate was generally warm and wet, with salinity lowering; 13920-13144 a BP, the environment and climate changed abruptly, and ostracods in the lake extinct, with only stoneworts, which is hysteretic to environment change, survived.