Cognitive style, as the important composition of the cognitive second double processing system, has a stableand lasting influence on decision making, but its mechanism of action in the judicial decision-making is a core issuewhich needs to be clarified. The judge’s cognitive style, as the major variable of the individual difference in the judicialdecision-making, ranks at the top of the whole psychological mechanism of decision-making. But the difference incognitive style of each individual judge determines the order of the judicial influencing factors of judges. In thecognitive style theory model, the paradox of justice conflict between the judge’s difference in decision-making,consistent judgments in similar cases and the individual case justice can be resolved effectively. By introducing thesocial scientific reason and relative training into the judicial decision-making, we can improve the cognitive style of thejudge better, promote the judge’s ability to ascertain the facts accordingly and help to control excessive differencebetween judicial decisions in the end. By investigating the cognitive style and the judge’s decision-making from theperspective of age experience, we can find that difference in the judicial decision-making may diminish with theincrease of the judge’s age and experiences. And the cognitive style of expert judges even creates a country’s judicialtraditional image in a specific period of time. Therefore, through comparison over a long period of time, the judicialdecision presents periodic differences