On a self-developed circular-translation polishing m achine, the influence of different electricpotentialson the friction coefficient and wear properties of S iC /H T 200 friction p a ir, which contacted as oneelectrode, were studied in NaOH solutions. The results show that the friction coefficient of S iC /H T 200 pair is0.25 under no externally applied potential; but it decreases to 0.23 w hile applying +3 V polarization potential onthe p a ir; in contrast, it increases to 0 .3 0 when applying - 3 V polarization potential on the pair. A nd thepolished SiC surface under + 3 V potential is much smoother, w hile there are clear ploughing marks andadhesive region on the polished SiC surface under zero and - 3 V potential, respectively. The mixed triboelectrochemicalfriction model has been proposed and the mechanisms of the electric effects on the tribologicalproperties of S iC /H T 200 friction pair in NaOH electrolyte are addressed. Results and discussion show that theanodic passivation technique may be used for hastening the running-in process of SiC /Fe friction p a irs, as wellas for polishing SiC to increase its materials removal efficiency w hile m aintaining good surface quality.