According to statistical analysis, we found that Chongniu(重纽) doublets was different from upper spellings, not lower spellings. We believe that they stand for three categories of Chongniu(重纽) in the middle ancient times. Type B(the third division Chongniu(重纽) final) is different from Type A(the fourth division Chongniu(重纽) final) in Chongniu(重纽) doublets ofdingdianshiwen(经典释文) because they have different head vowels. But Type B is different from Type A in Chongniu(重纽) doublets of Hui Lin(慧林) Yiqiejing yinyi(一切经音义) because they had different initials. Chongniu(重纽) in Zhu Ao(朱翱) Fanqie(反切) had the same characteristics as in Hui Lin(慧林) Yiqiejingyinyi(一切经音义), but the difference of Chongniu(重纽) doublets had become not so clear.