With the further development of the substation automation system based on IEC 61850, the process bus will be widely used in the substation to replace the traditional signal and control cable. IEC has shifted its focus to the process bus. Combined with the formulation of IEC 61850 Ed 2.0, IEC begins to study and develops some standards such as IEC 62439-3, IEEE 1588-2008, etc. This paper describes the typical technical characteristics oflEC 62439-3 standard, and introduces the main technical principles of the network bumpless recovery. It applies IEC 62439-3 to the process bus. By comparing with the traditional protection system, the paper analyzes alternative all-digital protection systems which employs different process bus architectures. Finally, the reliability block diagrams are used to calculate and analyze the reliability indices of different protection systems, and network structure that fits for nrocess bus is pronosed.