Based on the decomposition of TFP on service sub-industry by Translog Stochastic Frontier model, the paper investigates the process of internal structural evolution and internal mechanism from 1990 to 2013, and analyzes the momentum of sustainable development of service industry. The result shows that, the dominant factor of service industry TFP growth gradually turns into technical progress, the overall levels of scale efficiency and allocation efficiency change are low. In sub-industry, the heterogeneity degree of scale efficiency change is considerably fluctuant, and the allocation efficiency change's difference index meets a rapid upward trend from 2012 to 2013. By contrast, the technical progress and technical efficiency change' heterogeneity degree are relatively stable, the TFP's difference index shows a further expansion since 2005. The possible reason of sub-industry' s heterogeneity evolution can be ascribed to the hetero- geneity effect of service industry' s gradual reform and information technology' s resource allocation.