提出了Ad Hoc网络上多路径传输流媒体的框架,在Ad Hoc网络中多路径同时传输流媒体以提高吞吐量并减小传输延迟。在发送端,采用部分解压缩算法对图像进行自适应分割,并通过多径源路由(MSR)协议根据负载均衡算法选择多条路由传输被拆分的数据;在接收端对数据进行缓存、图像重建恢复、JPEG解压缩及实时显示。实验表明,流媒体多路径传输实现了较好的图像传输质量和实时性。
A scheme to transfer media stream over Ad hoc network by multiple paths was proposed, that is to say, in Ad Hoc network, media stream was transferred by multiple paths in the mean time to improve throughput and decrease transmission delay. At the sender, images are split self-adaptively by using partial decompressing algorithm, and according to load balance algorithm, multiple paths were chosen to transfer split data by Multi-path Source Routing (MSR) protocol. At the receiver, received image data were buffered, merged, recovered, decompressed by JPEG algorithm and displayed timely. Demonstrated by experiments, in Ad Hoc network, transferring media stream by multiple paths can achieve better image quality and shorter transmission delay than by a single path.