建立了某乘用车膜片弹簧离合器总成的有限元模型,使用HyperWorks软件对离合器总成进行了结构强度分析,同时利用nCode Design-life软件,采用S-N曲线疲劳分析方法,对离合器在汽车起步接合工况时的主要零部件进行了疲劳寿命分析,并得出相应的计算结果,指出了零件损伤比较严重的地方,为进一步优化离合器提供了基础。
A finite element model based on diaphragm spring clutch of a certain passenger car is presented.Structure strength analysis is first performed using Hyperworks software.Meanwhile,by adopting the nCode Design-life software,fatigue analysis on key parts of the clutch is conducted based on the S-N curve fatigue analysis method.The proposed analysis method could point out the serious damaged parts,laying the foundation for further optimization.