给定加法范畴A,证明了若A存在右(左)Serre函子,则其幂等完备化范畴A-存在右(左)Serre函子.在此基础上,说明了对三角范畴上的recollementD′ D D″,若D存在Serre函子,则-D允许两个关于-D″及-D′的反射recolle-ments.作为应用,证明了给定recollement两端三角范畴D′,D″上的t-结构可诱导出中间范畴的幂等完备化范畴D-上3个t-结构.
Let A be an additive category,we prove that if A has a right(or left) Serre functor,then its idempotent completion A- has a right(or left) Serre functor.Thus,given a recollement on triangulated categories D′D D″,if D has a Serre functor,then D- admits two reflecting recollements.As an application,we induces three t-structures on D- from the given t-structures(D′≤0,D′≥0),(D″≤0,D″≥0) on D′ and D″.