控告的介子的 BEC 在 O (4 ) 的框架被调查线性西格马模型。由使用康沃尔 Jackiw Tomboulis 形式主义,我们在有限温度和有限 isospin 密度为介子的有效群众导出差距方程。BEC 的批评温度和阶段图在 Hartree 近似在 non-chiral 限制被讨论。
The BEG of charged pions is investigated in the framework of O(4) linear sigma model. By using Cornwall- Jackiw-Tomboufis formalism, we have derived the gap equations for the effective masses of the mesons at finite temperature and finite isospin density. The critical temperature and phase diagram of BEG are discussed in the non-chiral limit at Hartree approximation.