This paper presents STLS, a robust weighted least squares localization algorithm based on spatio-temporal filter for wireless sensor networks to improve the positioning resilience of the least squares scaling when there are outliers in the ranging measurements. Its ranging consistency check scheme is based on geometric ranging inequations to which neighboring nodes must obey. By building matrixes, the STLS speeds up identifying and eliminating the outliers of the ranging measurements only with the computing complexity of quadratic polynomial, and employs a 2-step-convergence DFP algo- rithm to minimize the cost function to fast localize the unknown nodes. For received signal strength based range measurements, regardless of uniform grid topology or irregular C-shaped grid topology, the extensive simulation results confirm that STLS can detect and delete the underestimated outliers effectively and outperforms the traditional weighted least squares scaling which has no consistency check and demonstrates more advantages when there are sparse range measurements.