无线局域网(wireless LAN,WLAN)是移动办公网络的重要组成部分,但因其缺乏平台完整性验证机制及有效的域间访问控制机制,致其难以安全高效地支持更多新业务的应用及推广。提出了一种新型企业WLAN访问控制方案,结合可信平台模块及属性基访问控制思想,将信任链扩展至WLAN域间,并在域间切换过程中实现基于用户属性的细粒度访问控制,确保企业网络安全、可信。
WLAN has been an essential technology for enterprise Network.However,because of the lack of platform integrity verification mechanism and effective inter-domain access control mechanism,it is difficult to efficiently support emerging applications such as mobile cloud storage.A novel TPM-based WLAN access control scheme was proposed which uses TPM and Attribute-based access control to extend the trust chain from platform to the whole enterprise net-work and perform fine-grained access control,which ensure that the enterprise WLAN is secure and trusted.