为了解滇中红壤的抗冲性特征及土壤大团聚体与土壤抗冲性间的关系,以云南玉溪澄江尖山河小流域内次生林、坡耕地、人工林、灌草地4种不同土地利用类型的土壤为研究对象,采用原状土抗冲刷槽法研究了其土壤抗冲性特征,并用SPSS软件分析了土壤大团聚体与抗冲性间的关系。研究表明,坡耕地的土壤抗冲性较弱,4-1 mm大团聚体越多土壤的抗冲性越好,因此减少人为破坏、增加植被覆盖,并有效改善土壤的团粒结构才是提高土壤抗冲性的关键。研究结果可为珠江流域水土保持工作的开展提供一定参考。
To understand the anti - scourability of the red soil in central Yunnan and the relation between large soil aggregate and soil anti - scourability, the soil of four land use types including secondary forest, slope farmland, planted forest and shrub grassland in small watershed of Jianshan River in Chengjiang county of Yuxi City were selected as the study subject. We meas-ured the soil anti - scourability by method of scour - resistant groove of undisturbed soil and analyzed the relation between large soil aggregate and anti - scourability by SPSS software. The results show that the anti - scourability of slope farmland soil is weak, which can be improved with the increase of 4 -1 mm large soil aggregate. Therefore, the key to strengthen soil anti - scourability is to improve the soil aggregate structure by reducing human damage and increasing vegetation coverage. The study results can provide reference for soil and water conservation in Pearl River basin.