对凌源、建平和阜新3个地点共24块样地的油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、樟子松(Pinus sylvestnis var.mongolica)林进行调查,按照不同坡位(坡上、坡中、坡下)分上、下2层(0-15cm)和(15-30cm)采集土壤样本。结果表明,1)2树种林地土壤养分特征均表现为,坡下〉坡中〉坡上,其中全N和全P在不同坡位差异明显。2)2树种坡下各元素间相关系数高于坡中和坡上,且均达到显著水平。3)2树种坡下土壤养分与林分生长性状间相关性高于坡中和坡上,且均达到显著水平。2种造林树种坡下表层土壤养分能显著影响林木生长状况在经营时需要特别重视。
An investigation was carried out on the soil nutrients of the forests of Pinus sylvestnis var. mon- golica and P. tabulaeformis in 3 locations in Lingyuan,Jianping, and Fuxin of Liaoning Province. Twenty- four sampling plots were set,and soil samples were collected in different slopes (upper,middle and lower slope) and layers (0-15 15-30 cm). The results indicated that 1) the order of the soil nutrients was lower middle)upper slope,in which significant differences were observed in total N and total P. 2) The rela- tions of soil nutrients in lower slope was higher than those in middle and upper slopes, and all had reached to significant level. 3) The correlations of soil nutrients and growth traits in lower slope were more signifi- cant than those in middle and upper slope, and all had reached to significant level. Overall, the soil nutrient in surface soil under lower slope could significantly affect the growth traits of the two tree species, and therefore, relative forest management should be adopted.