结合野外调查及室内实验观察,对云南洱海周边地区的拟环纹豹蛛Pardosapseudoannulata(BoesenbergetStrand,1906)和星豹蛛PardosaastrigeraL.Koch,1878卵袋中寄生蜂种类及其寄主的选择性作了为期1年的调查研究。共发现了2种寄生蜂,即Idiolispasp.和胁括sp.,两种寄生蜂均可不同程度地寄生在两种蜘蛛的卵袋里。Idiolispa sp.偏好寄生拟环纹豹蛛的卵袋,而Idrissp.则不具寄生偏好性,两种蜘蛛均是其适合的寄主。分析了ldiolispn sp.产生寄主选择偏好性的原因。
On the bases of field investigation and lab observation, the species and host selectivity of parasitic wasps in the egg sac of the wolf spiders Pardosa pseudoannulata and P. astrigera were studied for a year around Erhai Lake, Yunnan province, ldiolispa sp. and Idris sp. were both found in the egg sacs of P. pseudoannulata and P. astrigera, ldiolispa sp. preferred to parasitize in the egg sacs of P. pseudoannulata. However, Idris sp. showed no parasitical preference between two spiders, both of which were its suitable host. The reasons of host-preference of Idiolispa sp. were further discussed in this paper.