Experiment was conducted with the young leaves in vitro of the sweet cherry rootstock CAB-6p for studying the effects of the different basic culture media, hormone, agar and physiological status of leaves on the adventitious shoots regeneration. The results showed that WPM medium was the optimal basic culture medium for the adventitious shoots regeneration and the regeneration rate was 90% with 3.8 shoots per leaf. Regeneration rate was 66% with 3.2 shoots per leaf in QL medium and 58% with 2.8 shoots per leaf in DKW medium. 1/2MS medium was the most unsuitable basic culture medium and regeneration rate was 8% with 1.0 shoots per leaf. The optimal hormone contents were BA 2 mg/L + IAA 2 mg/L. In the culture media containing IBA or NAA, instead of IAA, the young leaves in vitro formatted more callus and regenerated little adventitious shoots. Only from the best young and folding leaves in vitro with the best physiological status, the adventitious shoots regeneration were the most effective and regeneration rate was 90% with 3.5 shoots per leaf. No adventitious shoot could be regenerated from semi-folding or expanding young leaves. Using safter and half gelling regeneration medium through decreasing agar content to 4.5 g/L was a very effective and significant method to improve adventitious shoot regeneration. Regeneration rate was 90% with 5.1 shoots per leaf in the medium with 4.5 g/L agar and 66% with 4.4 shoots per leaf in the medium with 6.0 g/L agar that was usually used in plant micro-propagation medium. In the high efficient regeneration system, regeneration rate was 90% or so and 4 to 5 shoots per leaf and the results were stable.